This page is dedicated to the sick and injured pets in our foster program. You can donateto help us help more animals.
Pets recovered and ready for a new home.
Hope – early stage kidney disease, no teeth
Emmie – bladder stones, Urinary infection and overwieght
Pets currently undergoing treatment and in various stages of recovery.
Indy – calici virus
Paddy – old wounds and diarrhea
Sick and injured pets who were treated, recovered, and found a home in 2024.
Ruby – Hernia
Kitty – severely underweight
Stormy and Smokey – ringworm
Pixie – scarred eyes
Mrs. Peabody – Upper respiratory infection
Leigha – missing hair
Stewart – injured paw
Boston – chest tumor
Kenya – underweight
NIcky – Broken jaw
Omaha – crypt orchid
Whitney – underweight
Oscar – underweight
Penny – injured tail
Tinkerbell – sore on ear
Mama – amputated leg
Sick and injured pets who were treated, recovered, and found a home in 2022 and 2023.
Pansy, 4 teeth pulled and full dental
Porpoise, leg injury
Pickle, needed 2 teeth pulled and a full dental
Petra, upper respiratory
Alex, upper respiratory
Ronald, Healthy and ready for a new home.
Beauty, URI
Sonic, needs foot surgery
Betsy, URI
Landon – upper respiratory infection
Lolli and Luther – upper respiratory infection
Stormy – underweight
lots of kittens with upper respiratory infections
Grady, had a yeast infection.
Buddy and Cleocatra – severely underweight and upper respiratory infection
Grady, yeast infection in skin, followed by ear infection
Chance – bladder stones
Little Bit – constipation
Gracie – matted fur
Kitty – severely underweight
Ruby – Hernia
Sick and injured pets who were treated, recovered, and found a home in 2021.
Sigmund, bad eye
Fluffy, upper respiratory infection
Petunia, Fecal incontinence
Tolly, allergies
Conman, upper respiratory infection
Jeeves, bad eye and ear infections
Blake, eye infection
Bixby, eye infection and upper respiratory infection
William, upper respiratory infection
Barney, eye infection
Baxter, eye infection
Smores, bad eye
Barney, bad eye
Lilibet, missing hair
William, weepy eye
Bonnie, upper respiratory, fleas, ringworm
Larry, infected wound and fleas
Symbol, Upper respiratory infection
Sully, upper respiratory infection
Sick and injured pets who were treated, recovered, and found a happy home in 2020.
Sigmund, bad eye
Peanut. underweight, severe diarrhea
Wiley – Blood in urine
Conman, upper respiratory infection
Velvet – URI and diarrhea
Wayland, roundworms, possible Heartworm positive
Wixom, Upper Respiratory infection, diarrhea
Yin, massive belly wound
Gandalf, FIV+
Wendy – Blood in urine
Banjo, eye infection
Pershing, no front teeth, missing fur, upper respiratory infection.
Sick and injured pets who were treated, recovered and found a happy home. Pre-2020
Ruby, bottle baby
Schwinn, severe eye infections. Schwinn had surgery to remove his eyes. He is blind but has a great sense of hearing and smell.
Thumbelina, severely underweight and irritable Bowel
Judy – Hematoma
Creamsicle, yeast infection in ear
Injured paws, arm, and nose.
Raven, found at eight days old in a house that was getting torn down. Bottle feeding every two hours.
Patches kittens with Coccidia
Ginger has asthma so needs a smoke free home.
Co-Co, leg injury that healed very well.
Ranger, coccidia
Gordon, frostbit ears that have healed.
Jordie, gastrointestinal issues.
Moxie, pneumonia and eye ulcer
Buddy, broken leg
Anastasia, lungworm
Angel, Bladder stones
Butters, fleas and underweight
Samson, FIV+
Keke, coccidia, intestinal parasite.
Thing 2, eye infection
Arnold – URI
Titus, eye removed
Salem, bladder stones that self corrected with better food.
fleas, worms
Faith, upper respiratory, worms, fleas.
Bast, nursing babies
Carpeta, fleas, upper respiratory infection
Ranger, eye ulcer
Tyga, intestinal tract issues that are healed and a neck sore that is pretty well gone.
Stevie, fleas, severe upper respiratory, eye infections.
Cheddar – matted fur needs shaving
Miso. pregnant, eye infection. worms, fleas.
Milo, Herpes and upper respiratory
Miss Moxie, anemic due to fleas, upper respiratory, eye infection
Hopper, injured leg that was amputated. He is doing fine.
Snickers, cancer, living out her life in a loving foster home
Smudge, ear mites
Friday, laceration on flank and burned paws
needing to be bottle fed.
SlimJim, very thin
Severe eye infections that required surgery to remove the eyes.
Miso’s kittens
Sun and Montgomery. Sun is blind and Montgomery has only one eye due to lack of proper vet care before arriving into our program.
Chabaka, limited vision due to chemicals poured in eyes.
Professor Plum, upper respiratory, fleas, eye infections
Odin has issues with his eyes and has reduced vision. It doesn’t stop him though.
Sashimu, fleas, worms, URI, eye infection
Bottle babies
Hook, eye injury
Carmel had a bad eye and bald spots.
Maggie, bite injuries to legs infested with maggots. Undergoing treatment.
Mac and Cheese, shot with a BB gun
Percy, fleas, upper respiratory
Johnnie, frostbit feet.
Weebel and Tippy, cerebellar hypoplasia. They both have a hard time keeping their balance.
Sushi, Eye infections, pregnant
Squash, upper respiratory
Kalipso has an eye that continually weeps. He is the sweetest cat who found his forever home.
Paulie, serious injury that required eye removal.
Thing 1, eye infection
Jazzy, URI
Ginger, two torn ACL’s
Pershing – poor blood work, missing teeth.
underweight and fleas
Sampson, Dermoid cyst
Millie, eye injury, one eye removed
Forrest, covered in fleas, malnourished, and eye infections.
Critter, severely underweight and broken leg
Princeton, severe hair loss and FIV+
Stevie, Lungworm
Izzy, injured toe, pneumonia, compromised immunity. Izzy is a little wheezy from time to time. He may need a steroid shot to help him out from time to time in his new home.
Anastasia, coccidia and lungworm.
Kittens came from a home with way too many cats and are currently undergoing care to get them healthy.
Journey, severe frostbite, lost parts of ears, toes and tail
Francine, upper respiratory
Dusty, surgery to remove mammary glands due to cancer.
Lilly, severe diarrhea.
Survivor, injured leg was amputated
Blackbeard, Bad eye
Jaycee, bad eyes
Pippi, parasites and bacteria in intestinal tract
Lillian, coccidia
Mollie, has a cataract in one eye.
Ceasar, FIV positive
Marmar, irregular heartbeat that she outgrew
Scorch, severe diarrhea.
Michaela, underweight
Ebi, severe intestinal issues
Feloney was found missing a lot of fur and had a hole in his side. He is healthy now and ready to find a new home.
Banjo, eye infection
Jazzy Cat, inflamed pancreas. He needs to be on grain free food.
FIV positive, held for retest.
Cleo, needs small amount of fiber added to her diet every day.
Sick and injured pets who passed away in our care. They knew love while they were with us and sometimes what we do is not enough.
Victoria came to us with undiagnosed diabetes. She had good care for six months until she passed due to organ failure.
Clyde, Blood disorder
Emma, failure to thrive
Callie, upper respiratory and eye infections
Bunny, was humanely euthanized after 3 surgeries were not able to fix her prolapsed rectum.
Sally, failure to thrive
Jessie was humanely euthanized after neurological damage was found to her spine andlegs.
2Lucky, injured while a cabinet was moved. He was unable to recover from his injuries.
Ben, died of cancer while in our care.
Zephyr, failure to thrive
Milo and Charlotte, Upper respiratory infection, Herpes virus, worms, underweight
Stubby was diagnosed with cancer and passed away in a loving foster home.
Kroger was found in a parking lot. He had a leg injury and was too young to survive his poor start to life.
Tigger, died of pneumonia. He was too young to make it through the illness.
Ramboo, humanely euthanized when the viral pneumonia did not respond to treatment and he was struggling to breathe.
Roo was humanely euthanized when his liver shunt proved too much for his system to handle.
Aztek, injury to spine and back legs. She can walk although a little wobbly at times. She is a great lover kitty and enjoyed her life in a foster home until she passed away in her sleep.
Peanut was rescued after being thrown from a car. She received medical care for her broken body until she succumbed to brain seizures.
Sarina, kidney disease
Peanut passed away from FIP.
Muffin, unable to digest food.
Bubba was humanely euthanized when it was discovered that his undiagnosed diabetes had damaged his organs.
Lainee, FIV positive. Passed after contracting FIP.
Daisy, failure to thrive
Yin, massive belly wound
Will, came in severely undernourished. He was doing very well and then succumbed to a virus.